Morale Project :
Is a structural project co-funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union. It aims at building the capacities of Syrian & Lebanese HEIs to train a new generation of high skilled professionals in NGOs management & operation to enhance inclusion of refugees and the rebuilding of the South Mediterranean society

You are cordially invited to the “MORALE Erasmus+ Project” virtual roundtable
Wednesday, April 14, 2021 From 10:00 am till 12:00 pm
Register at: https://tinyurl.com/moraleproject
MORALE Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union
Capacity building for Curricula Modernization of Syrian and Lebanese
HEIs and Lifelong Learning Provision: Towards Sustainable NGOs
Management and Operation with Special Focus on Refugees
Invitation to Call for Tender for the supply of equipment for study Labs June 2022
Invitation to Call for Tender for the supply of equipment for study Labs June 2022
Call for tender
Extended Deadline 29 July, 2022
The call for tender for the supply of Equipment for study labs in four universities
(Damascus University + Arab international University + International University for Science and Technology + Bilad Al Sham Higher University) in Syria. This process is within the framework of Morale Project “Capacity building for Curricula Modernization of Syrian and Lebanese HEIs and Lifelong Learning Provision: Towards Sustainable NGOs Management and Operation with Special Focus on Refugees”, co-funded by the ERASMUS+ Program of the European Union.
When preparing your tender, please be guided by this invitation to tender. Tender